Changing the world creative with
art quality stock photo
NAIS PICTURES was established as a stock photography sales site that deals exclusively with high-quality photographs in an international market. “Excellent photographs in themselves that invoke a feeling of reality without being modified to excess” — is the motto that inspires our sales concept.
The parent organization of NAIS PICTURES is GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHS, which is another operation site of our company, and the selection of photographs dealt with at NAIS PICTURES is made based on GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHS’ curated experiences. Our contract photographers all have advanced experience in advertising photography, which, in other words, enables us to maintain a system that contributes to quality control as well as to the maximum return of costs to our contract photographers.
The parent organization of NAIS PICTURES is GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHS, which is another operation site of our company, and the selection of photographs dealt with at NAIS PICTURES is made based on GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHS’ curated experiences. Our contract photographers all have advanced experience in advertising photography, which, in other words, enables us to maintain a system that contributes to quality control as well as to the maximum return of costs to our contract photographers.
- Company
- INDUSTRIA Limited Liability Company
- Office
- 6-5-3 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 141-0001, Japan
- +81-3-6456-2855
- info@naispictures.jp
- Established
- 2005
- Number of employees
- 8
- Capital stock
- 30 million yen
- Major banks
- MUFG Bank, Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation